Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

Reduced Air Pollution Levels

Air Quality and Environmental Ecology --Explanation of the Effects of Coherence Technology on Air Quality

The first users of CT products reported improvements in air quality in the immediate vicinity. This “fresher, cleaner air” is caused by a decrease in electropollution.

In metropolitan areas, the cumulative effects of millions of incoherent electromagnetic fields, generated by electronic devices such as appliances and power lines, spin a “spider’s web” of magnetic incoherence in the atmosphere, trapping and exacerbating “normal” pollution from automobiles, factories, and power plants.

Coherence Industries hypothesized that in larger environments, such as metropolitan areas, reducing the levels of electro-pollution through Coherence Technology (CT) would result in lower levels of smog and air pollution.

Coherence Industries informally tested this hypothesis in New Delhi, India (April, 1990), and then in a pilot project in Los Angeles, California (August-Oct.1990).

The Los Angeles South Coast Basin, with 11 million people living in an area of 13,600 square miles, has the most serious air-quality problems in the United States.

The project involved the strategic placement of a device in the city of Anaheim centrally located in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. The hardware device contained Coherence Industries’s proprietary technology, and was controlled by custom-modified software programs.

The data was collected by the Air Quality Control Board at over 30 measuring sites, 24 hours a day, seven days a week and reported every hour.

Over the first nine days, reported levels of ozone in Anaheim and the surrounding area dropped significantly, leveling off below the federal clean air standard of 0.100 parts permillion (ppm). As the project continued, the positive effects spread throughout the entire Los Angeles metropolitan area.

Air-quality forecasters had not predicted these drops. In fact, for the duration of the project (Aug. 3 to Oct. 22) ozone levels consistently fell below day-to-day predictions.

Over all, air quality improved by 43% in the Los angeles metropolitan area. During the period when the CT device was connected to the grid, the level of pollution, even at peak hours, fell beneath federal limits. And most significantly, environmental officials did not have to issue any smog alerts during the project. This was very unusual for that time of year --August, September and October, -- which are historically the worst months of the year for air pollution in that area.

The senior meteorologist with the South Coast Air Management District, quoted in the Los Angeles Times, said:

“This is mind-boggling. When you compare it with the past, it’s like night and day. There’s really been a dramatic improvement.”

The pilot project ended on October 22, 1990. Within two weeks ozone and nitrous oxide levels rose and exceeded federal limits and went back to the predicted levels for that time of the year.

The results suggest that the technology developed by Coherence Industries significantly reduces air pollution. This has enormous implications for the health and well-being of people living in polluted metropolitan areas worldwide.

Note: Due to limited resources at the time, air quality was the chosen indicator to be used for demonstrating the value of improving the quality of life by reducing measurement uncertainty in the electrical grid. Because the government was at that time mandating the South Coast air quality board, and paying them 8 million dollars a year, to monitor, and report air pollution levels in the Los Angeles metro area for the benefit of the public. This meant that the information was readily available for anyone. The hypothesis was that if you reduce measurement uncertainty, you could improve the quality of life for the citizens. The results of the test indicated it would be possible to reduce the air pollution significantly for less than it was costing the government to monitor it. Further scientific research supports the hypothesis that reducing measurement uncertainty improves the overall quality of life.

Click here to see Air Quality Case Study


Improving the quality of air in metropolitan areas using technologies like Coherence Technology (CT) can have significant implications for scientists, technologists, innovators, and new product developers across various sectors. The CT approach would be in the form of a service that would place CT units into the whole area that would disperse the pollution for that area. CT disperses the air pollution to get rid of it permanently.
### Scientific Research and Measurement: 
For scientists, especially those involved in environmental sciences and epidemiology, technologies that can measurably reduce air pollution represent an invaluable tool for research. They provide a controlled basis for studying the impacts of reduced pollution on public health and climate change. Improved air quality metrics can refine models predicting air pollution's effects on weather patterns, climate, and health, leading to a better understanding of these complex interrelations.
### Technological Advancement: 
From a technological standpoint, the deployment and refinement of coherence-based technologies could lead to advancements in fields related to electromagnetic compatibility and pollution mitigation systems. The ability to increasing electromagnetic compatibility opens up new avenues for developing more efficient and harmonious electronic infrastructures. This can include advances in smart grids, IoT devices, and even urban planning where electromagnetic considerations are crucial.
### Innovation and Product Development: 
For innovators and product developers, the demonstrated effects of CT on air quality can stimulate the development of related products and services. These could range from household appliances that reduce electro-pollution to larger scale urban installations designed to improve air quality. There's also potential for integrating these technologies into existing products and services to enhance their value proposition by contributing to environmental sustainability.
### Regulatory and Compliance Implications: 
Improved air quality technology is highly relevant for compliance with environmental laws and regulations. New products that could maintain or reduce pollution levels within regulatory limits could see rapid adoption not only due to consumer preference but also from a regulatory compliance standpoint. Companies leading in these technologies might gain competitive advantages or opportunities for public funding.
### Economic Impacts
: Besides health and environmental benefits, improving air quality can lead to economic benefits for metropolitan areas. Increased tourism and popularity of a metro area. Reduced health care costs, increased worker productivity, and enhanced property values are direct economic incentives for regions to invest in air quality improvement technologies. This creates a strong market for effective solutions in this area.
### Sustainability Goals
: Lastly, this aligns with broader global sustainability goals, which are increasingly influencing corporate and governmental policies. Innovators have the opportunity to contribute directly to targets set under international agreements such as the Paris Climate Accord by reducing emissions and lowering urban pollution levels.
In conclusion, leveraging technologies like Coherence Technology to improve air quality in metropolitan areas not only addresses immediate health and environmental concerns but also fosters broader cross-sectoral innovations, potentially revolutionizing how urban environments are managed and sustained.