Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

What We See, We Become:
If Our Leaders Are The Innocent Mirror Of The People,
Can We Do Something Differently To Help Leaders
Make Better Decisions Automatically?

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Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

When I was in tenth grade we memorized some lines, like this one: "The quality of mercy is not strained. It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven on the place beneath. It is twice blessed; It blesseth him who gives and him who takes. It becomes the throned monarch better than his crown."

When I hear about some of the decisions that are being made these days, I wonder if we couldn't do something to add a little 'mercy,' to the decision making process.

When we look at the brain we can see that there are three things that have a big impact on decision making:

1. What we see, we become. I am just now reading about mirror cells and how they influence what we do: http://www.ted.com/talks/vs_ramachandran_the_neurons_that_shaped_civilization.html

But what happens when we spend eight hours a day, on average, looking into digital electronics? Is there really such a thing as "digi-phrenia"? Have we gotten out of phase with the natural world by looking at the world through a digital lens?

2. The stress response shuts down the ceo of the brain. Parts of our brain shut down and other parts are activated when we are under the influence of the stress response. Is there something more we can do to reduce the stress and mental fatigue that interfere with the decision making process?

3. The quality of an electronic signal impacts the effort required by the brain to process that signal. Higher quality signals increase intelligibility and reduce mental effort to increase cognitive reserves. Can a simple upgrade to the quality of electronic signals bring us back into phase with the natural world and upgrade the quality of the decisions made everyday?

Prosocial behavior is natural, as we can see from this video...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GcJxRqTs5nk

So how do we get to the situations we see today where people are behaving in a way that is harmful to others?

This video shows how brain chemistry and experience influence our decisions... how stress inhibits the production of chemicals that help us make decisions with greater degrees of empathy....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWdJvtKADnc

Human computer symbiosis gives an idea of the direction technology is taking as we move into the future; the importance of the right type of cooperation between humans and computers...the goal is to"...design away the friction between the interaction between humans and machines..."

If we want to upgrade technology to create a frictionless interface between humans and computers, we may need to make changes on the most fundamental levels, from the inside out. 

If we look at the ancient idea: "what you see you become" we can see the importance of creating technology that cooperates with nature on every level. The purpose of technology is to help us connect and cooperate with each other, not to alienate us from nature. If the technology, that we spend most of our time interacting with everyday, is fundamentally out of phase with nature, then we will have to expect the kind of singularity that we see in terrifying movies, and the "Present Shock" Described by Douglas Rushkoff.

But if we upgrade technology with principles that allow technology to work in phase with nature from the inside out, or, from the ground up, then the discrepancies and disconnects that we see in the world today, especially in our information gathering and decision making processes, will start to dissolve. And singularity, the kind of singularity where the parts of a system are correlated with each other and with the whole system, will naturally manifest itself even in our man-made technological world. Because signals are at the core of technology, upgrading the quality of the signals, by reducing measurement uncertainty, automatically upgrades the technology from the inside out to create better overall performance and a better user experience.

It may seem a small thing to improve both the accuracy and precision together for the digital signals that we use to interface with the world. But we realize that whatever lens we look through, that is how we see the world. Everyone knows about rose colored glasses. We each contribute to the collective consciousness of the world in our own way, as brought out in this article on Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeanne-ball/collective-consciousness-meditation_b_822288.html

... With this understanding it becomes more important that we pay attention to how we interface with the world and whether the technology that we depend on skews our awareness and perception of the world, or supports the clarity of our awareness, and gives us a true to life picture of reality. If the signals are fundamentally out of phase with natural motion, then the information we receive is skewed on the most fundamental level, and our brain becomes fatigued trying to put the pieces together in a meaningful way.

Taken to another level, when we see that the leaders of a nation are "innocent mirrors of the collective consciousness" of that nation, then we must also realize that the decisions made by our leaders are influenced by the coherence that we each are able to reflect in our daily lives. We upgrade our technologies with greater measurement certainty, not only to improve technological performance, but also to increase our own individual level of coherence.  This coherence on the level of our technological systems, supports the things we already do; get deep rest, eat pure food, drink pure water, breath fresh air, etc. and contributes to the coherent decision making of our leaders without doing anything differently than what we are already doing.

We already interact with the world through electronic devices for an average of eight hours a day. By simply increasing the measurement certainty and dynamic stability of the signals in those devices, we can increase our own coherence and the coherence of the leaders at the same time. 

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