Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Technology Innovations: Can They Improve Cognitive Function
and Human Performance?

What Happens To The Brain When You Improve Signal Quality?  (Preliminary research indicates it is possible to increase EEG brain coherence when an end-user is exposed to higher quality signals enhanced with precision timing.)  And How Does This Increased Brain Coherence Effect Human Performance?

Increases in EEG brain coherence equate with Improved cognitive function, greater alertness, and improved task performance

EEG Coherence

Dr. Lyubimov,  head of the Laboratory of Neurocybernetics at the Moscow Brain Research Institute Academy of Medical Sciences conducted a research study to provide an initial, but rigorous evaluation of the effects of Coherence Technology™ (CT) on the electrical activity of the human brain, as measured by the electroencephalogram, or EEG.

The following is a brief summary of the testing methods and results achieved.

Six subjects were studied. Each person participated in two one-hour test trials. They wore a standardized electrode cap. All data was recorded and stored on a hard disk. All subjects were seated in a room approximately 12’ x 14’ within a large three story office building.

Measurements of brain wave activity (EEG) were recorded for each subject, once without CT connected to the electrical supply of the building and once with the Coherence Technology connected to the electrical supply of the building.

When the CT was connected to the electrical supply, an increase in specific organization of electrical activities occurred in all of the test subjects, i.e. brain wave activity became more orderly. The researcher noted, “...this means more creativity, less stress, greater productivity, and improved health.” *

* Increases in EEG brain wave coherence have been scientifically correlated with increased creativity, improved task performance, faster reaction time, improved learning ability, improved grades in school, higher moral reasoning, increased IQ, etc.

EEG and Task Performance (CPT Test) 

EEG and Alertness

Dr. M. Barry Sterman, a Professor Emeritus in the departments of Neurobiology and Biobehavioral Psychiatry at the UCLA School of Medicine conducted a research study to provide an initial but scientifically rigorous evaluation of the effects of CT on the electrical activity of the human brain. Three subjects were studied. Each person participated in test trials administered over a six-hour period. Subjects wore a standardized electrode cap with 19 recording sites. All data was recorded and stored on a hard disk.

Test 1) EEG and Task performance

A computerized version of the Continuous Performance Task, or CPT, was administered. This test records accuracy and recall of cognitive stimuli. All subjects were seated in front of a computer and were given the CPT test. The test was repeated four times: twice with the CT equipment disconnected and twice with the CT equipment connected. Subjects were not aware when the equipment was connected or disconnected.

On the cognitive test, two of the three subjects showed a 20% faster reaction time along with a 3 to 17% increase in accuracy when the CT was on.

The researcher concludes that despite the fact that few subjects were studied, the overall picture that emerges is that CT had a meaningful and positive effect on the subject’s ability to sustain attention. “Such a finding was both unprecedented and unexpected.”

Test 2) EEG and Alertness

All subjects were seated on a reclining chair lined with a mat containing the CT. They were asked to close their eyes and relax for 30 minutes. This procedure was repeated four times; twice with the CT disconnected and twice with the CT connected.

During the resting phase, when the CT was off, all subjects showed brain wave patterns that were indicative of drowsiness and sleep (which is natural in a reclining chair with eyes closed). When the CT was turned on, EEG patterns were similar to those patterns of activity in the brain systematically associated with superior attention and memory performance.

The researcher commented that: “this (CT) equipment appeared to support general attention and suppress the urge to drowsiness and sleep, even when the eyes were closed for a prolonged period. This provocative conclusion is certainly worthy of further investigation.”

Dr. LeGunn EEG findings with Quantum Byte Software: “Dr. LeGunn has completed his testing and has good results. He tested about six subjects before and after exposure to the CT Software while using a computer and I am advised there were significant/positive brain wave changes in the majority of subjects.

This finding is based on the initial interpretation by the Doctor administering the EEG tests... (EEG brain wave coherence has now been scientifically correlated with greater creativity, improved short and long term memory, better grades in school, increased IQ, improved moral reasoning, improved concept learning, etc.)

Here's What Happened in Several Real Life Office Environments:

Behavioral Studies

A test questionnaire was given measuring energy and stress levels, psychological and physiological response to computers and telephones, job satisfaction, and productivity.

There were a total of 47 employees in five different groups.The test questionnaire was filled out by each employee before the installation of the CT.

CT was installed at each workstation for a period of two weeks. At the end of two weeks the test questionnaires were filled out again.

In each study, the daily work routine was not altered except for the installation of the CT. The questionnaires were then calculated to determine the individual’s overall rating. These individual ratings were then averaged within each group to determine the final result.

The five different groups showed improvements ranging from 17.9 to 31.8% at the end of the two-week period with the CT connected. (In the studies where the CT was removed, a reversal of improvements, ranging from 19.2 to 24%, occurred.)

At the International Monetary Fund in Washington DC:

Sixteen CT Software programs were installed on Computers in the External Relations Department and the Administration Department’s Graphics Sections of the IMF. Staff in those departments completed a questionnaire indicating the following benefits:

  • All members reported that the Coherence Technology Software was easily installed and interfaced with existing software without any compatibility problems.
  • All CT Software users reported positive benefits in the area of personal and business relationships. Staff members reported smooth and easy interactions with others, both at home and in the office.
  • Almost all reported that they were driven to work on their computers – a necessity for those who earn their living at the computer.
  • There was also relief from the physical stresses and strains of working at the computer, such as eyestrain, and aches in the neck and shoulder, that can hamper creativity and productivity.
  • Customer Service Staff, who spend 6-8 hours a day in the very stressful and demanding job of resolving staff member’s problems, showed a remarkable upbeat disposition after the CT Software was installed.
  • One of the most obvious effects has been the impression of other teams of experts from other buildings. They view the Coherence Technology test group as much more relaxed, professional, and the place they want to be if given an opportunity. Click here to read International Monetary Fund letter

Practical applications for innovators:


Coherence Technology (CT), as explored through scientific studies such as those by Dr. M. Barry Sterman and Dr. LeGunn, appears to have significant potential for innovators and new product developers focused on improving task performance and alertness. The results from initial experiments suggest a range of benefits that could be harnessed across various applications. Here’s a breakdown of the value it offers and its potential applications:
### Benefits of Coherence Technology:
1. **Improved Task Performance:**
- **Increased Accuracy:** Preliminary studies show an increase in accuracy during tasks (up to 17%), which can lead to higher quality outputs in professional and academic settings.
- **Faster Reaction Times:** A 20% faster reaction time was observed, enhancing productivity and efficiency in task execution.
2. **Enhanced Alertness:**
- **Suppression of Drowsiness:** CT seems to aid in maintaining alertness, even in restful scenarios, which can be beneficial in professions requiring extended periods of attentive work.
- **Maintained High Alertness Levels:** Continuously high alertness without the typical downtrends can lead to sustained performance over long periods.
3. **EEG Brain Wave Coherence:**
- **Enhanced Cognitive Functions:** Improved coherence correlates with better creativity, memory, IQ, and learning capabilities, thus directly contributing to the efficiency and innovative capabilities of users.
### Potential Applications:
1. **Workplace Efficiency Tools:**
- CT could be integrated into office environments or remote working tools to help maintain or increase productivity and reduce errors, especially in roles requiring high levels of concentration and cognitive engagement.
2. **Educational Tools:**
- Implementing CT in educational technologies could help students maintain better focus and comprehension during learning sessions, potentially leading to improved academic performance.
3. **Healthcare:**
- In cognitive rehabilitation or therapy, CT could be used to enhance brain function in patients with cognitive impairments or in post-trauma recovery.
4. **Military and Aviation:**
- CT might be applied to training simulators or operational equipment to keep soldiers and pilots alert and responsive in high-stake environments.
5. **Consumer Electronics:**
- Devices like virtual reality headsets or gaming consoles could utilize CT to provide users with a more immersive and responsive experience.
### Measuring the Impact:
To validate these benefits and extend the application of Coherence Technology further, more exhaustive and broader studies could be required. These studies should ideally encompass a more diverse participant base, varied environmental settings, and longitudinal data to measure long-term impacts. Furthermore, standardized metrics for measuring "coherence" in real-world tasks and settings could be helpful to establish a universally accepted reference standard.
By expanding research and development in these directions, innovators and product developers can harness the potential of Coherence Technology not just for improving individual productivity and cognitive performance, but also for pushing the boundaries of what's possible in technology and human capability.

Find out more about our Coherence Hasslefree Innovation Program™ (CHIP)

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