Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Some Examples Of Coherence Technology Applications For Electrical And Electronic Systems

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

All ground paths have imperfect conductivity and therefore have some finite impedance. As with all circuits, current flow must return to its source. Current flowing through finite impedance in the ground lines will cause a voltage drop. The voltage drops create instability in the ground lines over time and distance and cause noise in the ground system. As system frequencies increase, the resultant noise in the ground system also increases.

Coherence Technology has been tested and found to stabilize ground voltages and increase ground conductivity, thereby producing clear and consistent high quality signals regardless of the source or environment. The technology suppresses noise and other forms of interference at the ground system and this increases the signal-to-noise ratio by an average of 65%.

The increases in signal-to-noise ratio are made possible through micro controllers, which are programmed with the technology. These generate signals, which neutralize noise and other forms of interference at the ground system. The neutralizing effect decreases entropy and increases the underlying coherence of the signal, its organizing power, integrity and strength. In addition, the technology increases the conductivity of the ground lines providing a safe path for the dissipation of fault currents, lightning strikes, electrostatic discharges, EMI and RF interference, and noise. The overall effect is:

  • • Wider dynamic range in audio systems
  • • Higher sound and picture resolutions 
  • • Increased signal-to-noise ratio in video and wireless systems 
  • • Increased data rates and high accuracy in microprocessors and MCU-based systems.

Microprocessor And MCU Applications

The most sensitive signals in microprocessors and MCU-based systems are the clocks, reset, and interrupt lines. These signals are usually vulnerable to electromagnetic interference and may become corrupted. The effects could easily disrupt the MCU by interrupting code execution with an unexpected reset or interrupt. The clock in microprocessors and MCUs could also jam, become out of phase, and bring the whole system out of synchronization. The results are low speeds and inaccuracies or malfunctions in micro processors and MCUs. Coherence Technology strengthens the sensitive signals in microprocessors and MCUs and also neutralizes electromagnetic interference. The result is

  • • High data rates 
  • • Low bit error rate 
  • • Higher accuracy
  • • Heat sink 
  • • High efficiency

Audio Applications

In an ideal, natural condition, the dynamic range of an audio signal is completely contained within the dynamic range of hearing. However, in the real world, this is very often not the case, and the signal is partially located outside the audible area, resulting in decreased speech intelligibility, changed sound perception or even in the possibility of hearing damage. Coherence Technology is capable of altering the audio signal in order to match the dynamic range of hearing. As a result, the speech intelligibility is increased; the sound is made full-bodied and the dangerous highest sound levels are prevented. In audio recording studios the dynamic range of CDs are quoted at around 110dB. However this range is never achieved. The dynamic range of cassettes, which is limited by tape hiss at the lower end and saturation at the higher end, can be 20dB or possibly even lower. Noise reduction technologies such as the Coherence Technology offer a useful increase in the dynamic range achievable, effective noise, hum, hiss, and interference rejection, and provide an accurate musical reproduction.

Video Applications

Every time a video signal is processed in any way, noise is introduced. The noise manifests itself as snow or graininess over the whole picture on the monitor or screen. The noise usually originates from poor circuit design, heat, over-amplification, external influences, automatic gain control, and transmission systems such as microwave, satellite, infrared and cable. The most important factor that determines the tolerance of noise in the video signal is the signal-to-noise ratio. With Coherence Technology, the signal-to-noise ratio in video signals is increased and visual noise is reduced. As a result, there is

  • • Improved clarity in video pictures 
  • • Improved channel quality 
  • • Improved quality of service 
  • • High resolution

Wireless Applications

In wireless systems, the transmitted signal over time and distance picks up noise and interference and becomes more degraded. In addition to this, other radio transmitters co-located at the same transmit site or in close proximity generate noise in and around the receiver’s tuned frequency. Also the transmit site itself may consist of computers and other control equipment that generates noise. All of this unwanted noise interferes with the RF signal, resulting in an increase in entropy or uncertainty. The increase in entropy decreases the conductivity of the ground line and the ‘hearing ‘ ability of the receiver. The result is a decrease in the signal-to-noise ratio, which leads to:

  • • Reduced coverage 
  • • Increased dropouts 
  • • Poor signal strength 
  • • Poor signal intelligibility and 
  • • Poor reception.

Coherence Technology uses ground conductivity to increase signal-to-noise ratio in wireless systems, which translates into the following benefits:

  • • Reduction in dropouts 
  • • Improved coverage by up to 100%, thus filling the RF gaps 
  • • Improved receiver sensitivity 
  • • Improved channel quality 
  • • Increased voice capacity for a given coverage 
  • • Higher wireless transmission data rate 
  • • Extended battery life in the case of cell phones 
  • • Improved capacity utilization 
  • • Reduced number of base stations in cellular systems 
  • • Improved quality of service 
  • • Increased network traffic

Applications To Cellular Handsets

Sensitivity is one of the main specifications people look at when buying a cell phone. A cell phone with exceedingly good sensitivity (hearing ability) is able to pick up and process weak signals. However sensitivity quotes in cell phones are in reality never achieved. This is because RF and thermal noise generated within the receiver impair its ability to receive weak signals.

A cell phone processed with Coherence Technology decreases the operating temperature, thermal and RF noise, noise figure and hence lowers the minimum operational sensitivity (MOS) of the handset. With Coherence Technology applied, the handset is not only able to pick and process weak signals, the clarity and quality of the signal is also increased due to an increase in the dynamic range of the receiver.

Application of Coherence Technology to Industrial Motors

Coherence Technology research also indicates good results in solving temperature and efficiency related problems for industrial motors. Coherence Technology stabilizes and increases the conductivity of the electrical ground, which leads to a reduced operating temperature and increased efficiency of industrial motors.

The Coherence Technology effect decreases entropy and increases the underlying coherence of the current, its organizing power, and integrity.

Long Term Impact of Coherence Technology on Industrial Motors

There is a common rule of thumb that a 10° C rise cuts the insulation’s useful life in half and a 10° C decrease doubles the insulation’s life of industrial motors.

In initial testing Coherence Technology decreased operating temperature by 4 degrees Celsius in the windings of an industrial motor. The decrease in temperature lengthens the life cycle and also increases the efficiency of the motor.

In addition to the temperature and efficiency issues, the technology enables effective coordination in all parts of the motor, and this increases its integrity.

Application of Coherence Technology to Power Plants

Coherence Technology increases the underlying coherence of power operating plants and thereby increases their efficiency. How is this possible? The technology is made possible through microprocessors that are programmed with Coherence Technology. The processors generate signals that neutralize ground noise enabling the plant to generate power in a more favorable condition. The effect of Coherence Technology reduces the operating temperature of the power plant. There is more coordination between all parts of the plant and this increases its integrity and life cycle. The benefits of Coherence Technology are that the high efficiency attainable with the technology will not only result in the production of more electricity per pound of fuel, but also fewer emissions of all kinds per kilowatt-hour. Other benefits include the following:

  • • High energy conversion efficiencies at full and partial load 
  • • High power density 
  • • Low operating temperatures 
  • • Relatively low pressures 
  • • Overall performance of the plant is roughly independent on the system size and load factor