Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

New Car Technology

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

For transportation systems; cars, trucks, heavy equipment, aviation. Higher quality digital signals reduce data errors and equipment failures. Upgrades entertainment systems in vehicles for higher quality audio, video, gaming experience.


"I have been traveling back and forth between my home and my business for six years. I used to arrive home exhausted. My sister gave me the Quantum Auto Clear™ to see if it would help. Being a skeptic I plugged it in and forgot all about it. One day on my way home I realized, for the first time in six years, instead of struggling to stay awake I was singing and seemed to have a lot of extra energy!" - Mary Tiplady, Camden, Michigan 

"I love my auto clear.  I don't know what the heck it is doing but there is no way I am driving without it now that it is in there. My car just feels better." --Natalie Hansen, Fairfield, Iowa  

Fuel Efficiency

“I drive a 1999 Mercury Grand Marquis and I’ve always HATED that car because the gas mileage was so bad. I was typically getting between 17 and 22 mpg and felt it was just an expensive car to drive.

“After I put the Auto Clear™ in my car, I immediately saw an improvement in mpg. After about a month (about three tanks of gas,) I was averaging 26 mpg overall (with a pretty even split between city and highway miles).

“A few weeks ago, my son wanted to try the Auto Clear in his car (a 1991 Ford Taurus) so I let him have the unit for a few weeks. Prior to using the Auto Clear, he was getting 230 - 360 miles per tank. After installing the Auto Clear, he was getting in the range of 400 miles per tank - and his driving was ALL city (no highway) driving. I’ve recently taken the unit back though, because the mpg in my car went back to about 17 mpg almost immediately when I removed the unit.” - M.Y., Leawood, Kansas