Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Quantum Byte Software Applications
For A Better User Experience

Reduce Mental Strain - Get More Done
CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

 "I noticed the difference within a few hours. I felt clearer, calmer, more relaxed." -Robert P., Computer programmer, Virginia 

"My [computer] screen seemed softer and clearer. It was like some kind of unseen interference dramatically disappeared. I find myself working at the computer four hours straight without strain; that never happened before." -Gloria W., Freelance Writer, Iowa 

Software applications with Coherence Technology improve user experience. For software developers, product manufacturers, and online services. Stand alone or incorporated into existing software programs.

Please contact us if you have questions about Quantum Byte Software™.


Sixteen Quantum Bytes were installed on Macintosh computers in the External Relations Department and the Administration Department's Graphics Section of the International Monetary Fund.

All Quantum (products) users reported positive benefits in the area of personal and business relationships. Staff members reported smooth and easy interactions with others, both at home and in the office.

Thank you for the opportunity to test Quantum (products) and give our staff relief from the irritants that can definitely hamper creativity and productivity.

Sincerely, Bret Hollander Computer Systems Officer

"...the second phase addressed customer service staff who spend 6-8 hours a day answering their phones and responding by either phone or onsite visitation to resolve a staff member's problem.  The job, in itself, is very demanding and stressful.

However, and a bit surprised, our end-user support "experts" showed a remarkable, upbeat disposition after the Windows-based Quantum Byte software program was installed.  My pre- and post-test queries were not in keeping with your recommended time frame.  I gave the questionnaire to people before they actually installed the software, and then gave them the same questionnaire about three months later.

I think you will find the results quite satisfying.  One of the most obvious effects has been the impression of other teams of experts from other buildings.  They view our test group as much more relaxed, professional, and the place they want to be if given the opportunity."

-- Bret Hollander, Computer Systems Officer, International Monetary Fund

"I have been recommending The Quantum Byte to everyone I know who uses computers." —Viviane Lerner, Ph.D.

Scientific tests indicate the effects of this technology: 
• Increased signal-to-noise ratio in audio signals/greater clarity and more detailed information 

• Increased periodic signal-to-noise in video signals for less visual noise

• Improved task performance 

• Increased EEG brain wave coherence for greater creativity and productivity 

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