Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Examples of Applied Innovations

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

Listen to this excerpt from a radio station program where call-in listeners noticed a difference in the quality of the transmission and an extension of the coverage area with Coherence Technology connected at the radio station.

Kfox Radio Listeners Experience Increased Clarity of Signals and Extended Coverage: KFOX Radio Extended Coverage Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWcjOqfWUpQ

Cell Phone Reception Test

Our engineer (IEEE with a masters in wireless communication) conducted three tests using our Commercial Signal Conditioner. 

This is the unit we are preparing for the wireless industry (cell phones, WiFi, radio and TV broadcasting.) He was very excited after the test. He used a cordless phone that operates in the higher end of radio frequencies (RF). This may be a good demonstration for the wireless application.

With the Signal Conditioner off, he walked away from the base station with the mobile handset. After about 375 feet the signal went dead. 

He repeated the test with the Quantum Signal Conditioner turned on and was able to go another 306 feet before it died. That's an 80% increase in coverage.  He also said that the signal was more stable and clear even when it was breaking up.

He said that when we apply it to a real wireless or broadcasting system, we could see an even bigger percentage increase since the towers are high up above the ground, so there is less interference. Also, real cell phone networks operate at much higher power.

Sometimes it's difficult to get the cooperation and necessary equipment to conduct a test that would make everyone happy, but a simple demonstration like this can be very powerful. In any case, our engineer said that this is very significant.

If you are a wireless service provider you may want to read this: 

Poor Signals and Wireless Networks

Fairfield, Iowa May 4, 2011. If you’re sick and tired of poor signals and limited coverage—both which create crabby cell-phone customers and their complaints —Coherence Technology™ is the effortless and cost effective cure that can significantly elevate your system’s signal-to-noise ratio.

Coherence Technology in the wireless infrastructure, zaps the usual nightmares wireless users encounter: poor signal strength, dropouts, blocked calls, reduced coverage, poorer signal quality and inferior reception.

The integration of Coherence Technology™ requires no alteration to existing wireless networks.

And the technology provides a more robust channel. That makes it easier to detect and interpret signals accurately from your wireless subscribers.

What other benefits does Coherence Technology have?

No maintenance. No adjustments. No moving parts. No exotic schemes.

You work hard to satisfy customers

Face it. Your subscriber call-capacity on your wireless network likely has increased. And that drove you to invest heavily on the infrastructure. You did that to meet ever-increasing demand for better levels of service and performance for mobile devices.

To meet those demands, you probably added new base stations, thinking that was the most cost-effective solution. So did others.

More than 150,000 wireless base stations are now deployed across the U.S. to provide services to more than 148 million customers.

So what?

Consider this: More base stations, coupled with the high-capacity demand in the wireless network, causes more radio-frequency interference. Translated that means the signal-to-noise (S/N) or carrier-to-interference (C/I) ratio is smaller. And that means stomach churning problems for users.

Things everyone’s tried unsuccessfully

Conventional and often very expensive solutions have been adopted and implemented. These include smart antennae, repeaters, high-power amplifiers, conventional filters, cell splitting, tower-mount amplifiers and increased transmitter power.

Smart antennae are powerful performance enhancers. They provide more intelligence in the directionality of the RF energy from the antenna. Energy is focused toward users. The antennae vary from simple narrow patterns to complex beam forming, which tracks individual mobile users. Published results indicate smart antennae may increase individual-site capacity. Yet, these devices are expensive and difficult to integrate into the network. Complex integration and subsequent re-optimization require significant expertise and resources.

Repeaters enhance coverage in inaccessible areas. That functionality makes them particularly attractive for tunnels and buildings, as well as hilly and shadowed terrains. The downside? Repeaters increase noise level. That means the S/N ratio at the output remains the same. Why? Once noise is introduced into the desired signal, it is physically impossible to make the signal pristine again at the repeater’s output. Thus, performance degrades continuously as noise increases. That degradation, plus site costs, can be major headaches.

High-power amplifiers strengthen the transmit signal from the base station. When power is increased on your base stations, downlink coverage is extended. But these amplifiers are also expensive and hard to integrate because of regulatory and hardware/software considerations.

Conventional filters, usually deployed in base stations, reduce interference.

Though inexpensive and easy to integrate, these filters degrade receiver sensitivity. That means increased dropouts, blocked calls, lower capacity utilization and increased noise. The tradeoff is not worth it.

Cell splitting? In cellular systems, this fix reduces transmitter power and minimizes co-channel interference. However, tradeoffs are reduced coverage and increased base stations.

Tower-mount amplifiers installed near antennae, increase uplink- RF signal strength. That enhances receiver sensitivity and compensates for excessive cable loss. But these amplifiers also amplify noise and signal—and this degrades receiver sensitivity. Also, this equipment is usually exposed to environmental hazards.

Increased transmitter power improves communication channel quality. This action makes the receiver interpret higher-power signals more easily. However, as the desired signal increases, RF power required from the user’s device must increase. This appears to be a simple solution, but there are consequences: increased interference to other users, increased exposure to RF radiation and shorter handset battery life. Federal Communications Commission approval issues may also arise.

Coherence Technology™ Solution

If you’ve tried these options or some combination thereof, but found they didn’t deliver the quality of signal and service you need, then you will want to try Coherence Technology for your wireless infrastructure. This simple technology produces clean and stable signals, which forms the key to optimizing your wireless infrastructure

This simple technology consists of microprocessors which generate signals that neutralize ground level noise and interference. That advantage leads to increased ground conductivity and reduced entropy of desired signals. And that effect increases the signal’s organizing power, integrity, quality and strength.

Value-adds of the technology include:

  • Plug and play
  • Easily deployed
  • Independent of well-known technologies such as CDMA, GSM, TDMA, etc.
  • Low power
  • Portable
  • Lightweight
  • Rack- or shelf-mounted
  • Single/multiple RF paths
  • Economical
  • Maintenance free: no moving parts

Get Hyper Conductive results

What results will you see after you install Hyper Conductive Grounding Technology™? Unlike other technologies, which improve receiver sensitivity only, the technology can extend coverage by another 30 percent.

You’ll also see significantly increased S/N ratios. To demonstrate Coherence Technology™’s capabilities, we performed signal-to-noise ratio tests within the audio range, using Sound Technology Spectra Plus, a FFT spectral-measurement software system.

The results are impressive: a potential 100 percent increase in signal-to-noise ratio, S/N, and, in most cases, at least a 50-percent improvement. But, in all cases, S/N improved appreciably.

Other return-on-investment benefits of Coherence Technology include:

  • Reduced dropped calls
  • Decreased blocked calls
  • Heightened receiver sensitivity
  • Enhanced channel quality
  • Increased voice capacity for a given coverage
  • Higher wireless transmission data rate
  • Extended mobile battery life via lowered handset transmit power

Hyper Grounding With Coherence Technology™

We’re confident we offer a better RF link. And that linkage will increase the revenue potential of wireless operators and also make customers satisfied with their wireless devices.

Our Coherence Technology™ is an economical quick-fix that boosts a weak wireless signal. And it’s more cost effective than trying to troubleshoot complex technology. And less outlay means higher return on investment.

  • Expanded capacity utilization
  • Fewer base stations
  • Better quality of service
  • Enlarged volume of network traffic

To incorporate Coherence Technology's Automation in Innovation system to your wireless system please contact us for a free initial consultation: 415 251 8385

More Case Studies

Improved Human Performance

Innovations to Improve the Performance of Electric Motors

Coherence Industries research and development company specializes in solving temperature and efficiency related problems for many applications, including industrial motors. Coherence Industries has developed a proprietary technology for increasing Electrical Precision. This technology stabilizes and increases the conductivity of the electrical ground, which leads to a reduced operating temperature and increased efficiency of industrial motors.

Application of Coherence Technology™ for Electrical Precision

Coherence Technology™ for Electrical Precision has been tested and found to produce clear and consistent high quality currents regardless of the source or environment.The technology increases the signal-to-noise ratio by suppressing noise and other forms of interference at the ground system.

The increase in signal-to-noise ratio is made possible through micro controllers, which are programmed with Coherence Technology™. The micro controllers generate signals that neutralize noise and other forms of interference at the ground system. The neutralizing effect decreases entropy and increases the underlying coherence of the current, its organizing power and integrity.

Impact of Electrical Precision on Industrial Motors

There is a common rule of thumb that a 10° C rise cuts the insulation’s useful life in half a 10° C decrease doubles the insulation’s life of industrial motors.Coherence Technology™ for Electrical Precision, which increases the underlying coherence of electrical current, reduces the operating temperature in the windings of industrial motors. The decrease in temperature doubles the life cycle and also increases the efficiency.

In addition to the temperature and efficiency issues, the technology enables effective coordination in all parts of the motor and this increases its integrity.

The Coherence Technology™ Electrical Precision unit is easily installed with a single cable to the neutral of the motor.In addition the unit is:

  • Low power
  • Portable
  • Lightweight
  • Rack- or shelf-mounted
  • Maintenance free:
  • no moving parts

Coherence Industries is dedicated to improving the performance and life of industrial motors and can help you offer a second-to-none innovation for better improvement in motor performance.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the Innovations using Coherence Technology for Electrical Precision, please call us at (415) 251 8385.