Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Increasing Employee EQ
To Increase Customer Satisfaction

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

Common sense tells us, and research supports that "happy employees make happy customers."

How do we get happy, emotionally engaged employees? Certainly hiring needs to be done carefully. But is there a way to increase emotional intelligence after the fact, with the employees that are already in place?

Every manager knows a burnt out employee is not of much value on any level. Who can be friendly and enthusiastic when tired? Burnt out employees are lucky if they can get the minimum work done. 

The encouraging note is that much of the mental and physical fatigue of work can be reduced by reducing the noise in the electrical and electronic systems the employees use to do their work. It's a simple solution that does not require effort to motivate or fire, rehire, and retrain employees. 

By creating a quieter, more supportive, more coherent electrical environment, preliminary research indicates that employees get along better with managers and co workers, get more done, and feel more satisfied with their job.

The correlation between happy employees and satisfied customers is well-documented across various fields of research. The theory holds that employees who are content and engaged at work are more likely to provide better service, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. This relationship is crucial for businesses aiming for long-term success and competitiveness.

### Research Evidence

1. **Harvard Business Review Analysis**:
A comprehensive study published by the Harvard Business Review pointed out that employee satisfaction affects customer satisfaction and loyalty significantly, and that in turn impacts financial performance. The study highlighted cases from sectors like retail and hospitality, emphasizing that employees who feel cared for by their organizations reciprocate this through better customer service.

2. **The Service-Profit Chain Model**:
Developed in the 1990s at Harvard by James L. Heskett, W. Earl Sasser, and Leonard A. Schlesinger, this model demonstrates how employee satisfaction leads to service value, which in turn increases customer satisfaction and results in enhanced firm profitability. This model has served as the foundation for numerous studies linking employee well-being with customer outcomes.

3. **Gallup Research**:
Gallup has conducted extensive employee engagement research and consistently found that organizations with high employee engagement scores experience higher customer satisfaction. For example, their studies show that departments with engaged employees see 20% higher sales and 10% higher customer metrics compared to departments with lower engagement levels.

4. **Case Study: Southwest Airlines**:
Known for its high employee satisfaction ratings, Southwest Airlines also enjoys a high rate of customer satisfaction. The airline focuses on maintaining a positive, supportive culture, which reflects in the quality of service the customers receive.

### Enhancing Employee Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Increasing EQ among employees can have a direct positive impact on customer interactions. Training programs designed to enhance emotional understanding can help employees manage stress better, resolve conflicts effectively, and contribute to a pleasant work environment. Here are some steps organizations can take:

- **Regular Training and Workshops**: These can focus on communication, empathy, and other EQ skills.
- **Feedback Systems**: Implementing regular feedback can help employees understand their emotional impacts and improve.
- **Supportive Leadership**: Leaders should model high EQ behaviors, such as active listening and empathy.

### System and Environmental Enhancements

As mentioned, reducing the noise in electrical and electronic systems used by employees can greatly reduce mental and physical fatigue. This approach doesn't just tackle the symptoms but also addresses part of the root cause of workplace stress. A less noisy, more coherent electrical environment can improve overall efficiency and job satisfaction, consequently boosting the quality of customer service delivered.

Overall, companies that invest in employee well-being, whether through emotional intelligence development, supportive work environments, or both, tend to see a corresponding increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty. This investment in human capital is both a strategic move and an ethical commitment, fostering a cycle of positive interactions and business success.