Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Information Overload:
Is Too Much Information Really The Problem?

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

Information overload is something everyone can relate to. But is the solution to avoid information? Or can we increase the quality of the information to improve cognitive function and in so doing, improve our ability to process all this information?

This brief (five minute) video changes our thinking about the all-pervasive problem of information overload: Beautiful Minds: Stephen Wiltshire

Organizational systems are important for handling the huge amounts of information that the average person has to deal with on a daily basis.  But couldn't we improve cognitive function to handle greater amounts of information without feeling overwhelmed?

Mark Huckvale in his research on electronic signal quality, has found that higher quality signals are more intelligible to the brain. When presented with higher quality signals subjects were able to perform better on tasks and suffered less from fatigue. Huckvale noted that the low quality signals seemed to slow the brains ability to process information.

In This Modern Age, Our Sources of Information are Primarily Electronic

Considering that the average adult spends eight hours each day processing information from electronic sources, digital screens, cell phones, etc., it stands to reason that signal quality could have a significant impact on our ability to process information.  Coherence Industries has found a way to reduce noise in the ground system to improve signal quality. The signals are improved to such a degree that the end-user can more easily focus on, and process, the electronic information signals - that is the audio, video, and data signals that comprise the bulk of the activity during the normal work day. 

Information overload has become a costly problem for every business today. Here's a quote from an article entitled "The Staggering Cost of Information Overload" by Bill Boyd from July 17, 2011: "...the unrelenting feeling that you can’t keep up with the demands for your attention and mindpower can take a heavy toll – and doubtless contributes to the high cost of stress.

So how do we reduce stress, curtail interruptions, make information more accessible and free up productivity?"

The common approaches to information overload don't usually include increasing the mind's ability to handle more information from the most fundamental level of cognitive function. They rarely, if ever, include improving the quality of the electronic information signals to improve cognitive function. But that is a practical solution that aught to be considered by any company dealing with the high cost of information overload.  Upgrading the quality of the electronic informations signals to improve cognitive function has already been successfully applied in the workplace as well as therapeutically to help overcome stress and disease.

Here's A measurable Approach to Overcoming Information Overload (the easy way):

  • Improve Signal Quality to Improve Technological Performance 
  • Improve Technological Performance To Improve the Interface Between Technology and Living Systems
  • Improve the Interface Between Technology and Living Systems to Improve Cognitive Function 
  • Improve Cognitive Function to improve the mind's ability to process information without fatigue
  • Improve the mind's ability to process information to reduce the stress of information overload see Case Studies for examples of results of applying Coherence Technology™ to the work environment