Exact Measurement? For Innovation, and Progress

A coherence-based Noise Reduction System, approaches a time-independent reference, or exact standard, for the measurement of time. Download summary of scientific research here.

Assembled Products With Coherence Technology

  • Random electron activity (left)
  • becomes coherent (right)
  • to increase signal integrity and
  • improve technological  performance

CT Production IC

Areas of Application of Coherence Technology Pdf download here: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/support-files/areasofapplication.pdf

Environmental Units For Home And Office

Ready-made units can be used for testing with your existing products and services. Units can be customized with a private label.

These units improve signal integrity to improve performance and user experience for electronic devices and environments where electricity is used. Various colors and sizes available. Special order for customized product. 

Units are designed to work with any electrical system, 110 volts, 220 volts. Power adaptors for specific countries are available.


"...delivers exactly what it claims..."

Hi Margi
I feel compelled to write. I today received my Quantum Pro from you. After carefully reading the instructions, I set the unit to its lowest settings and plugged it in. In an instant, startling, "Whoa! What the heck?" way, the calming effect of your Quantum device became immediately apparent.
I'm someone who has learned to live with an overactive mind, and I now realise I've simply been "tuning out" constant electrical static that seems to cause a permanent tension in my brain. My Quantum Pro now changes all that.

I don't mind admitting to having initially been somewhat sceptical about an electrical device claiming to 'calm the environment'. But the Quantum effect provides an amazing, instant response in me akin to the non-prescriptive tablets I've sometimes used to calm my mind and especially to aid rest and sleep - these being a traditional, natural plant remedy intended for "relieving periods of worry, irritability, stresses and strains of modern living" (as it says on the jar).

As a qualified electrician with some understanding of electronics, I was intrigued as to what the unit may contain to be having such an effect, so I had a sneaky look inside... but I'll have to admit to being no wiser, because electrically the core circuitry inside makes absolutely no sense to me. But who cares? The Quantum Pro delivers exactly what it claims - a calmer, stress-free environment.

I look forward to now settling down with the unit. I shall continue to follow your instructions in the hope of reaping further longer-term benefits, although I'm already in a far calmer, positive and productive
frame of mind!
I cannot thank you enough.
With best wishes.

Units can be customized to increase signal integrity and improve performance for specific applications including phone, internet, BNC, XLR, HDMI, VGA, DVI, RCA, etc. Please contact us for availability.


I have been in Sales and Marketing for over twenty years. Much of my work is done using the telephone. Recently I have increased my workload, building a new company and product line.

The effective use of the phone has become even more important in the last eight weeks. I have noticed a considerable lack of clarity in communication, particularly when attempting to convey data to someone via the telephone. In an attempt to improve the situation, per your suggestion, I tried a Quantum Power Conditioner/Phone.

I instantly noticed more clarity in voice and tone and a "feeling of clear space" as if the person I was communicating with was in the room next to me. I found the other party could duplicate phone numbers, addresses, instruction and other information without me having to repeat it! I also have found the other parties to be more friendly and openly discuss other things going on in their lives.

I now hold off on making my calls until I can get to this phone with UT Code because of the results. I get more done with less effort, and my relationship with customers, friends and others has improved.

Sincerely and thanks, Dennis Messer

Units That Connect To Conductive Pads

Units can be made to connect to conductive pads for a localized effect. Health care applications and stress reduction are examples that are well suited to this unit.

When the human energy field is no longer being negatively influenced by random chaotic electrical fields and is experiencing a field of high order, many beneficial results can and do occur, including increased EEG brain wave coherence, and improved galvanic skin response.

These findings are correlated with increased creativity, decreased stress, improved task performance, and many more practical benefits.


“Lying on the Quantum Wave Mat for even 10 minutes is incredible. I feel de-stressed & re- energized. The experience itself is very blissful, extremely pleasing. My body feels very deep, but my mind is alert. I love it!”  --William Hardy

more info

Portable Units

Electronic devices in the design stages or already existing can be upgraded to improve signal integrity while simplifying design and reducing cost.


I have noticed a dramatic difference in how I feel when I'm traveling and when I'm delivering speeches. Being in an airplane used to cause me so much fatigue. Now, when I arrive at my hotel, I'm rested and ready for the evening's activities. With kind regards, Marci Shimoff


During my last trip to Europe with my Quantum Companion there was a remarkable difference in my energy levels and mental clarity. I have also experienced a lot less anxiety when traveling with my Quantum Companion.

Michael Lang Sr. Operations Director


(With the Quantum Companion) I don't experience the usual mall fatigue--I seem to have as much energy after a day of shopping as I did when I started.

Thanks, Jennifer Hawthorne

For more information on the Quantum Companion: https://www.upgradingtechnology.com/onthego.html

For Vehicles

Other options include innovations for transportation systems; cars, trucks, heavy equipment, aviation. Higher quality digital signals reduce data errors and equipment failures. Upgrades entertainment systems in vehicles for higher quality audio, video, gaming experience.


"I have been traveling back and forth between my home and my business for six years. I used to arrive home exhausted. My sister gave me the Quantum Auto Clear™ to see if it would help. Being a skeptic I plugged it in and forgot all about it. One day on my way home I realized, for the first time in six years, instead of struggling to stay awake I was singing and seemed to have a lot of extra energy!" - Mary Tiplady, Camden, Michigan 

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